'Waiting Right Here' by FEVERDREAMS
Everything about this song is unique. Starting straight away with clean, crispy-sounding guitars playing wide, accompanied by muted soft drums, both setting rhythm and defining depth immediately. As we get into the the track, we are introduced to an equally soothing yet powerful voice which walks us confidently into the first chorus. A sweet silence wraps around all these elements, interwoven with a smooth, fading reverb lasting enough to sustain the emotion that the FEVERDREAMS want us to experience. Slowly and steadily the song evolves from a peaceful softness to an energetic blast. Surprisingly, we are also introduced to some amazing violins at this point which become a transitional medium, leading towards another heartfelt verse.

As the track evolves, further vocals, variations and harmonies grow more dominant, and beautifully written lyrics become the main interest. The bass has its own place in this song, teaming up well with the drums to bring a thick warmth. As the second chorus greets us, the vocals are reaching fine high notes, the drums have a touch of variation, and now we are introduced to the piano, adding an overall super-melodic taste to this passionate piece. A wonderful guitar solo emerges, pulling us into the peak of the tracks energy, but doesn't detracts from the true warm heart of the song. As the song ends, the emotional smoke is cleared to leave us with a wonderful feeling of hope.

Definitely listen to 'Waiting Right Here' by FEVERDREAMS on Spotify.

A word from FEVERDREAMS:

"Comprised of Adam Gardner, Matt Portelli and Liam Whittaker, FEVERDREAMS is an energetic and exciting rock trio who revel in performing for audiences around Melbourne.

FEVERDREAMS plays with limitless energy and writes with heartfelt passion. Our music is more than just self-expression, it’s our way of sharing stories with the world. As bandmates and friends, we have grown a lot together over the last two years, experiencing and overcoming tremendous loss. Our music is about reflection: of life, of ourselves and those around us.

The shared musical and life experiences of the trio culminated into making the band the tight-knit group it is today. It’s now hard to imagine life without each other, both on and off the stage."